Monday, May 17, 2010

thanks, gracias, merci, dank, grazie...

thank you.

it's a simple phrase(in any language)... yet a phrase not heard enough.

just letting your appreciation be known can make all the difference.

it's simple, it's easy, it's effortless. what's odd is we often say it more to the people we don't even know than to the people in our lives that we care about the most. we'll say thanks to the stranger that held open a door, we'll send an appreciative wave to a car that let you in the lane you needed, we say thank you and have a nice day to a cashier in a store. we don't know these people personally yet we show them our appreciation. why? because that is what we are taught to do, because it's habit, because we actually do want to thank them for their time and effort? maybe.

so why is it so difficult and so rare that we say it to those we love? who knows.


  1. oh hey. thanks! have a fantastic day!

  2. :)
    thanks Emily! I hope that you have the best day ever!
