One thing you learn very quickly in life is you can not please everyone. You also can't be in more than one place at a time.... if you could do this it'd make the first lesson much easier to accomplish.
You have to make decisions. It's life, there's no way out of it. One choice will make one person happy while it may make another just as important person not happy. A second choice, just the opposite.
So how do you choose? You have to go with your gut. You have to do what's best for you. You have to weigh the pros and cons. The only way to find out which is the right choice is to take a risk... and then you still may not know.
I recently made a decision to stay in Columbia over the summer. For many reasons- some larger than others. It was by no means an easy decision... ask Molly. She got the hour long discussion of it cause I trust her opinion and she would be neither in STL nor in COMO this summer so her p.o.v. would be mostly non-bias.
I talked my way through my two options and what would be good about and bad about each decision. Obviously, I ultimately decided to stay in Columbia. I had no doubts about whether or not I made the right decision... until Memorial day. Previous to that day I had the support of my parents, 2 of my best friends I talked about it with, and all of my friends that were also staying in COMO for summer. Now I feel as thought I've let some people down.
this is in no way finished... or getting to the point I originally intended to make but I think I'm done for now.
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